A one-off event presenting new work by DJ and producer Hu-Sane, producer and electronic musician Astrolayb, and DIY audiovisual artist and DJ m3UNTITLED. Find out more about the commissioned artists.

Here to Remember is a commission for South Asian and South Asian mixed heritage artists to explore their own personal experiences of history, memory and lineage.

Curated by Daytimers, a collective championing the sounds, stories and voices of South Asian creative communities, the three artists have spent the summer and early autumn working on new music exploring their heritage and relationship to archives and memory.

"This day promises to be an exciting new territory for DAYTIMERS as we celebrate fresh, commissioned music from three talented artists, each representing the vibrant future of our community and region. We're thrilled to invite everyone into a space that honours our past through archival and artistic expression, while paving the way forward. Through an afternoon and evening of live audio/visual performances, DJ sets, discussions and interactive sessions, we look forward to explore collective memory with the audience.” - DAYTIMERS
