Meet the three artists selected for Here to Remember, a commission for South Asian and South Asian mixed heritage artists:

  • DJ Hu-Sane makes a “multi-genre ball of chaos” that's built on the foundations of sounds from Southern Asia
  • Producer and electronic musician Astrolayb makes breaks-heavy, sample-based electronica
  • DIY audiovisual artist and DJ m3UNTITLED makes glitchy nostalgias and dark heavy bass sounds

Curated by Daytimers, a collective championing the sounds, stories and voices of South Asian creative communities, the three artists will be spending the summer and early autumn working on new music exploring their heritage and relationship to archives and memory.

They’ll also take part in guest workshops, archival research at the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah RACE Centre and a visit to the Beacon Valley to help inspire them along the way.

Keep your eyes peeled to find out when you can catch the premiere of their work. Till then, read on to find out more about the three…


Thank you to Daytimers, Balraj Samrai, Raheel Khan, DJ Ritu, Rizmi, the Beacon Valley, and the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah RACE Centre at Manchester Central Library for their involvement in this commission.

Here to Remember is supported by Arts Council England, Manchester City Council, GMCA, and PRS Foundation as a Talent Development Partner (supported by PPL). Part of WE, THE LEADERS, the WOMEX 24 wraparound and legacy programme.
